Home Invasion Stats

Few things are as terrifying and potentially fatal as a home invasion. Violent home invasions are sadly now a part of our lives. Many criminals have no regard for human life, violence and murder are a common means to an evil end, which robs you of valuable assets, cash, and sense of security.

Thinking a home invasion will never happen to you? I can tell you first hand that criminals don’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter if your white, black, male, female, poor, or wealthy. You and your loved ones could be the next victims of a home invasion.

A home invasion is when a criminal forces his way into an occupied dwelling and carries out a robbery or other violent crime. A home invasion is much like a car jacking, as the crime takes place when the victims are present. Home invasions are difficult to track because these crimes are usually filed as a burglary, robbery, assault, battery, rape, and even murder. This makes it difficult to keep the public informed as to just how prevalent the occurrences of actual home invasions are in their own communities. However, FBI statistics tell the real story, as you will see from the data below the statistics for violent home invasions and burglaries is really troubling:

  • A burglary occurs nearly every 15 seconds in the United States.
  • A majority of home intruders gain access forcibly through a “locked” door.
  • 1 out of every 5 homes will encounter a violent home intrusion or burglary.

Like car jackings, home invasion crimes are escalating. The reason for this is likely due to commercial targets, such as banks, convenience stores, and gas stations, enhancing their overall security and reducing the availability of large amount of cash. The advancements made in security technology and the affordability of such devices many commercial dwellings have installed alarms, video surveillance systems, and other anti-crime devices that deter criminals.

Due to the increased security of commercial businesses, houses and apartments are considered much easier targets by criminals. Home invaders also know that many home owners and renters still don’t have alarm systems. In fact its the home without security devices that they look for when deciding on their next target. These criminals also know that although a house may have a security system in place residents typically don’t activate the alarm until bedtime, creating a perfect opportunity for a home invasion.

Home invaders are typically brazen, kicking in a door and armed with a weapon. In the blink of an eye a family is at the invaders mercy. Where they can now open safes turning over cash and other valuables, providing the keys to the car even succumbing to assault, rape, and murder.